Speciality Services
Technical Services
24/7 Security Services provides a full range of technical installations and services.
Installations are customised for each site’s unique requirements, and we provide a 24-hour back-up service with our maintenance contracts. All our technicians are Bylaw 25 compliant.
- Intruder detection systems
- Perimeter beams
- CCTV Systems
- Panic Systems
- Access Control Systems
- Online
- Offline
- Biometrics
- Electric Fences
- Several technical installation and services team are available 24/7
- Equipment carries 12-month warranty (unless otherwise specified by the manufacturer)
- 12-month workmanship warranty
- Quarterly and annual maintenance agreements
- SAIDSA compliant
Risk Assessments
24/7 Security Service provides on-site risk assessment. A trained assessor will visit your premises and evaluate your current security and risk factors.
Items assessed during our site/risk surveys:
- Perimeter Protection: Assess what is currently in place, vulnerable areas and possible measures to improve
- Access/Egress Control: Evaluate all current measures in place, assess their effectiveness and recommend procedures to improve
- Lighting: Visit the premises during day and night to determine areas lacking sufficient lighting
- Health, Fire and Safety: Assess compliance to the various Acts and suggest any necessary upgrades to processes or equipment
- CCTV, Alarms and Electric Fencing: Review current installations taking specific care to identify weaknesses and/or necessary upgrades

Close Protection
24/7 Security Services Close Protection Officers (CPOs) are highly trained specialists who specialise in the personal protection of company executives, dignitaries, celebrities or private persons requiring special protection for themselves and their families.
- All CPOs are registered with PSIRA (Private Security Regulatory Authority)
- Close Protection solutions are customised to client specifications, total threat analysis and discretion requirements
- A Secure Drive service is offered – a chauffeur driven, CPO accompanied service
Proactive Initiatives
Initiatives include:
- Dedicated suburb closures and patrols
- Public Space Monitoring
- Urban monitoring software
- Foot patrollers
- Domestic worker forums
- Crime intelligence
- Pro-active vehicle patrols
- Liasing with SAPS in Joint Operations
- Labour unrest
- Disaster management
- Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR)

24/7 Security Services is a proud partner of the Vumacam SafeCity initiative. The partnership allows us access to the 5500 camera network to gain city-wide situational awareness critical to understanding criminal patterns and assisting with crime prevention and investigations.